Friday, May 2, 2008

Hillary...The Movie?!

Hillary on the big screen...youve GOT the be joking! Is his a presidential race or a Hollywood showdown? Last time I checked these candidates were running for President of the United States, not in contest for an Oscar.

But yes....Hillary Clinton will be on the big screen in Hillary the Movie. The movie has just ben completed and is a documentary style movie mixed with a personal memoir. It will chronicle the ins and outs of the Clinton marriage, both Bill and Hillary's political careers, their children and their personal lives. All the dirt you wanted to know about the Clinton family will be released to the public in full technicolor dream screen. Directed by Alan Peterson, and poduced by a long line of Hollywood producers, the movie is a top notch production.

The al-star cast includes people such as Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Jeff Gerth, Buzz Patterson, Michael Barone, Billy Dale, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Tony Blankley, Dick Armey, Bay Buchanan, Joe Connor, Mark Levin, Frank Gaffney, Peter Paul, Gary Aldrich, Dan Burton, John Mica, Michael Medved, Kathleen Willey, Kate O’Beirne, Larry Kudlow and more! With 40 plus interviews from people that know the Clintons best, it should be quite the movie.

It was released for the first time on the big screen on January 14th in Washington DC, and locations have been spreading until the present. More dates of release are to come as the months so on. The most recent release date was April 21st, in Brooklyn, Ohio. BUT...if you can't make it to theatres, have no fear! You can order Hillary the Movie from the website for a meer $23.95 by credit card. Two weeks later you will have this masterpiece for your personal DVD collection...who knows, in 80 years it could be a classic. Or not? (If you can't wait those 2 weeks to see someHillary, there are trailers online at the movie website to give you a fix until the day that florious package comes!)

Press has been very mized about the movie, from priase saying that the new movie "exposes the Clintons" and also crituqes saying that it is "misleading trash,""down and dirty," and that "Hillary has no conscience." Watch the movie and decide for yourself...should Hillary Clinton take up acting if she loses the 2008 election or should she just stick the to Senate?

1 comment:

Samantha Anne Horwitch said...

Information taken from