Friday, February 22, 2008

11 Debates Straight

At this point in time Barack Obama has succeeded in winning all of his last 11 debates with New York senator Hillary Clinton. The last of those debates was one of Hillary’s last chances to try and slow down the momentum Barack has built up over the past few weeks. The results of the last debate weren’t quite exactly what Senator Clinton had in mind. I’m sure coming into it she felt that it was a great chance to knock Obama off course, or at least slow his momentum.
In order to do this she needed to challenge Barack Obama and score a few points off of him. She failed to do this not because she was outshined by Obama, but because for some reason she refused to challenge him, even when the moderators gave her the opportunity to do so. However, this doesn’t mean that the debate was a complete failure for her. She did manage to make her point and make clear distinctions between her healthcare plan and Obama’s.
Hillary managed to make it clear that her plan would leave less Americans uninsured than Obama’s plan would. She also managed to display that her knowledge on healthcare outweighed Obama’s by a significant amount. However, when she tried to take a shot at his inexperience he replied by point out that he voted against a war with Iraq while she did not. It sent the message that he knows what he’s doing while she does not.
These debates remind me somewhat of the debates between Nixon and Kennedy during the election of 1960. Like Clinton with Obama, Nixon tried to point out Kennedy’s inexperience where Kennedy successfully nullified the statements by bringing up the fact that he and Nixon entered the senate at the same time. Also, just like the democratic primary debates, Nixon, like Clinton with Obama, tried to slow down Kennedy’s momentum during the Presidential debates. Hillary Clinton looks to succeed in the democratic primary debates where Nixon failed in his presidential debates. However, as of now, it looks as if Barack Obama is going to be one tough man to tackle for Hillary.

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