Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Battle for Youtube

No one is denying that the intrnet is having a huge impact on the campaigns this primary season. From quickly spreading the word, to easily raising funds, to rallying youth support. While Facebook and Myspace are two of the most populated sites for young voters, Youtube is another one of the many forums being used for online support...and attacks of all the candidates.

Browsing under the candidates full names gave quite a different listing of results. The top Hillary Clinton results were nearly all videos either making fun of her or pointing out some of her not so professional sound bites. These included the overall positive Sopranos Parody, Mike Gravel beraiding her in an early debate, a parody of an old Apple commercial against Clinton, and the "Well, that hurts my feelings" sound bite from the New Hampshire debate.

When searching for John McCain the results weren't all that positive either. The top result was a comparison of video clips of McCain and Dr. Strangelove. The video paints McCain as a warhawk in a time when it is no longer the "cool" thing to be. Another one of the top results was a sound bite from a question and answer session at a high school where a student asks the candidate if he thinks he might be too old for the white house. The battle hardened McCain replies with a very professional answer of his work ethic before ending the answer with, "Too old? Thanks for the question, you little jerk."

Huckabee's results were a tad more positive than Clinton or McCain. Two of the top results are Huckabee's attack on Romney for not being conservative enough. The third top result was one of my personal favorites, the Chuck Norris effect. The video is a funny one of how Huckabee with put Chuck Norris to work protecting our borders, all while laying out some of the best Chuck Norris jokes around.

By far, however, the winner has to be Barack Obama. The most accessible candidate for young voters and best orators in the primaries come out on top with nearly nothin but positive results. The only negative results are a Fox News video attacking the Senator and a sound bite of Obama admitting he "inhaled frequently." The most popular of his videos is the recent video done by pop music artist Will.I.Am. It takes Obama's very popular Yes We Can speech, another one of the top results, and puts it to music while being sung by a handfull of celebrities including Will.I.Am and John Legend. One of the other top videos, and funniest, is Obama guest starring on the Letterman Show reading the Top Ten list, shown below. How important is the internet? We'll have to wait and see come November!

Barack Obama's Top Ten List of Campaign Promises

10. Keep budget balanced by renting the Situation Room out for sweet 16's.
9. Double your tax money at the craps table.
8. Appoint Mitt Romney secretary of lookin' good.
7. If you bring a gator to the White House, I'll wrassle it.
6. I'll put Regis on the nickel.
5. I'll rename the tenth month of the year "Barack-tober"
4. I won't let Apple release the new and improved iPod the day after you bought the previous model.
3. I'll find money in the budget to buy Letterman a decent hairpiece.
2. Pronounce the word Nuclear, Nuclear.
1. 3 words: Vice President Oprah

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