Monday, February 25, 2008

In response to Obama in Texas

With all the talk of Obama in Texas in the last post, his counter part Clinton seems to be all but counted out if she losses the race in Texas or Ohio. But why? Let us remember in a previous post that Obama has a some momentum going. He has won 11 straight contests since Super-duper Tuesday. His win in Wisconson last week, by a margin of 17% was his smallest victory since super-Tuesday. So momentum is definitely on his side. If he wins in Texas or Ohio or both, it is seemed that he will be unstoppable, just like the jugger-naut from X-men. So if he is not stopped on March 4 in Texas or Ohio, Clinton may be ran over by the momentum of his victories that she will have no other choice but to drop out and support Barack as the Democratic nominee.

This reminds me of the election of 2004, where John Kerry kept winning and gaining momentum after his victories in the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire. He just kept on winning and won the nomination because of all the momentum.

Info received from:

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